Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is SkidSearch?

A: SkidSearch is one of the longest running, General DB search engines.

We aim to provide a means to assess what data has been leaked in said breaches, at no cost to the public. We have been around for over 3 years, and will be for many more. Which can't be said about any of our competitors. Enjoy Searching.


Q: Nothing happens when I search?

A: If the site doesnt display any results that means there were no results for your search, try another search term.


Q: What are removals?

A: Removals are a way to keep the site free for everyone, and for you to remove any information you may not be able to change.


Q: How much do removals cost?

A: They are $20 USD per set of information (eg. emails. ips ect), and we accept most Crypto.


Q: How do I start the removal process?

A: Join our Telegram, and dm Risk or an admin.


Q: Are removals permanent?

A: Yes, all removals are permanent. If for whatever reason you end up back on the site, you can just message one of our staff with the information you wish to be removed - and proof of payment, and the info will be removed immediately with no extra cost.


Q: Will you tell anyone I got a removal?

A: No, we take our clients privacy seriously, and will never disclose our clients information


Q: What does the API do?

A: Our API allows you to use our site and DB engine in your own apps (i.e: your own site, discord bot, tool etc)


Q: How much does the API cost?

A: The API is $30 per month
